Symptoms of Hashimoto’s Flare Up Contents: What is a Hashimoto’s Flare Up? Hypothyroidism Vs. Hyperthyroidism Hashimoto’s Treatment The Importance of Getting the Right Labs Nutrient Deficiencies Foods to Avoid Hypothyroidism & Weight Loss Hashimoto’s Disease is an autoimmune condition
Thyroid Storm
Thyroid Storm Thyroid Storm, aka thyrotoxic crisis, is a medical emergency requiring immediate medical care. This article is for educational and entertainment purposes only. While every effort is made to be factually accurate, there may be errors or omissions. This
thyroid and anxiety
Thyroid And Anxiety Contents: Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism Euthyroid Sick Syndrome Thyroid Storm Autoimmune Thyroiditis Graves’ Disease Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Autoimmune Thyroid Treatment Natural Thyroid And Anxiety Treatment Find The Right Doctor Perhaps the most insidious thyroid symptoms are those that impinge upon
How to lose weight with Hashimoto’s
How to lose weight with Hashimoto’s Contents: Functional & Natural Medicine You May Not Be Getting the Right Lab Tests Stay Active Strength Training for Thyroid Health Beware of Over-Training Get off the “Standard American Diet” Just Say No to
Thyroid Hair Loss
Thyroid Hair Loss Table of Contents: Nutrient Deficiency Nutrient Absorption Types of Hair Loss The Biology of Hair Loss Reduce Inflammation For many patients, the point in time when they firmly resolve to get serious about their thyroid condition is
thyroid and blood sugar fluctuations
Thyroid and blood sugar fluctuations Table of Contents: Hypothyroidism and Diabetes What causes thyroid & blood glucose problems? Hormone imbalance in lean, active people Gut Health, Foods & Lifestyle Yogurt’s dirty little secrets Simple gut health principles Conclusions Most people
Epstein Barr Virus and Thyroid
Epstein Barr Virus and Thyroid At Terrain Wellness, our doctors have long suspected that certain endocrine imbalances, specifically autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s Disease, may be brought on by diseases like Epstein Barr Virus in some cases. Not surprisingly, there is
Epstein Barr Virus Treatment
Epstein Barr Virus Treatment (EBV) In the course of clinical practice, we have had numerous cases where patients’ thyroid symptoms did not begin to improve until we treated them for Epstein Barr Virus. Specifically, conditions like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis can frequently
Testing For Toxic Heavy Metals
Heavy Metals Testing Procedures: Doctors Data Heavy Metal Test PDF Elements like lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic are all naturally occurring elements that are known for being particularly heavy and highly toxic to humans. Unfortunately, these elements are also used
Heavy Metal Detox Foods
Heavy Metal Detox Foods Cilantro: Because this herb is so popular in certain culinary dishes, it remains one of our top heavy metal detox foods. Cilantro is a bright green plant also known by its latin name CORIANDRUM SATIVUM is