Dr. Danielle Lockwood’s New Baby

***Scroll down for more baby pics!

Baby Sophia Grace Lockwood was born on February 4th, 2019 at 1:06pm with a birth weight of 7lbs 11oz. Mother and daughter were both released from the hospital in good health and high spirit the following day. Sophia is now one month old and is healthy and developing normally. With the baby healthy and the family adapting to our newest member, Dr. Dani is now turning her attention back to Terrain Wellness and its mission of healing.

Dr. Danielle Lockwood is officially back from maternity leave as of March 5th, 2019. While Dr. Dani had considered taking a longer leave of absence out of respect for her body’s recovery, she also needs to respect that she is a dynamic, active person who thrives helping her patients and managing her growing naturopathic medical practice in SW Portland, Oregon. The fulfillment she feels in performing acupuncture and integrative medicine helps her bring fresh energy to her growing family and home life. If you haven’t seen Dr. Dani in awhile, please reach out and book an appointment to see us.

Thank You Dr. Vy Simeles!

Dr. Vy Simeles holding baby Sophia Grace Lockwood

We would be remiss if we didn’t offer our personal thanks to our very own Dr. Vy Simeles, who helped us during Dr. Dani’s maternity leave.

IV Nutrition Therapy

In January, 2019, we hired a Registered Nurse (Tricia Laine, RN) and added IV Nutrition Therapy to our services offered. In the coming weeks and months we will be expanding IV Therapy and adding in other excellent services. At Terrain Wellness, we remain committed to constantly improving the quality of care we provide to our patients.

To Each of Our Amazing Patients: Thank You!

To each of our amazing and unique patients, thanks for participating in both Terrain Wellness’s ongoing mission of healing while also sharing in the joy of Dr. Dani’s growing family. Some of you offered support through small gifts & kind gestures while others offered emotional support, a listening ear or simply gave Dr. Dani a little space during this challenging family transition. All of your thoughts and prayers have been appreciated. Thanks again from all of us at Terrain Wellness.

Baby Sophia (and Dr. Dani) at 1 Minute Old

Dr. Dani and baby Sophia Grace Lockwood just moments after delivery.
Dr Dani in the hospital w/ her new baby.

Baby Sophia at 1 hour Old

Sophia resting in the hospital, just 1 hr old.

Baby Sophia at 1 Week Old

Sophia Grace Lockwood at 1 week old, grabbing her dad’s finger.

Baby Sophia at 1 Month Old

Sophia Grace, 1 month old and in a milk-induced daze.

Bonus: Instagram vs Reality…

Okay… so life’s not all pretty Instagram pics. But, we’re all unique and lovable just the same.

Dr. Dani’s Back! (and baby update)
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4 thoughts on “Dr. Dani’s Back! (and baby update)

  • March 7, 2019 at 1:06 am

    Welcome to Sophia Grace!
    Happy your back and that you and baby Sophia are both healthy and feeling well.
    I’ll be in tomorrow for my appointment. Since you are back will I see you are Dr Vy?

    • March 21, 2019 at 5:41 pm

      Hi Bonnie, thank you for thinking of us (and thanks for the card too!). You can see Dr. Dani or Dr. Vy, whomever you prefer.

  • March 7, 2019 at 3:44 pm

    She is the cutest little cupcake babydoll! Congratulations to the whole family ❤️🎉

  • March 7, 2019 at 6:16 pm

    I am so excited for you! I didn’t know that you were expecting. What a beautiful time in your life. I am so thankful that you and the baby are healthy and that you will soon return to helping your patients.
    God bless you all,
    Dixie Apperson-Marsh

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