Dry Skin Brushing In this article, we are concentrating on supporting the organs of elimination including the liver, digestive tract and the lymphatic system. This week, we discuss dry skin brushing, a useful technique to help move lymph and promote
Herbal Tea Recipe for Liver & Lymphatic Support
Lymphatic cleanse tea recipe: Ingredients: 1 part dandelion root (roasted for better flavor) 1 part burdock root 1 part milk thistle seed ½ part ginger root ¼-½ part licorice root We’ve used the term “parts” in this recipe so you
Herbs For Liver & Lymphatic Support
Herbs For Liver: Burdock Root, Lemon Balm, Turmeric Most of the herbs for liver in acupuncture/Chinese-Medicine are used as foods/seasonings and are known to have a bitter taste that is stimulating to the liver and bile production. Since these plant
Vegan Spinach & Artichoke Dip
Downloadable PDF of Vegan Spinach Artichoke Dip Recipe. Vegan Spinach & Artichoke Dip This Tasty Recipe Was Inspired by Foods That Support a Healthy Liver This recipe was inspired by Minimalistbaker.com, a Portland local food blogger. FYI, we tweaked some
Liver, Lymphatics & Gut Health
Healthy Lymphatics (and why it matters) The liver and the gut are two primary systems responsible for eliminating waste products and toxins from the body (detoxification) processes in your body. The lungs and integument (skin) also eliminate waste/toxins too, but
Liver Metabolism: The 3 Phases of Detoxification
Today we’re explaining the process of how the liver removes toxins from the body in a complex series of chemical reactions. In our practice of naturopathic, acupuncture and primary care medicine in Portland, Oregon, one of the most common issues