Healthy Lymphatics (and why it matters) The liver and the gut are two primary systems responsible for eliminating waste products and toxins from the body (detoxification) processes in your body. The lungs and integument (skin) also eliminate waste/toxins too, but
Acupuncture for Cold & Flu
Acupuncture for Colds and Flus Benefits of Acupuncture for Cold & Flu Treating Sore Throat With Acupuncture The first sign of an impending respiratory infection is often a sore throat. Sometimes this worsens until it hurts to swallow or eat.
The Adderall Epidemic
Adderall Epidemic: The Fallout of Over-Prescribing Adderall prescriptions & ADHD are on the rise The Centers for Disease control estimated that around 5% of children in the United States had Attention Deficit and Hyperactively Disorder in the 1990’s. Since then,