Acupuncture for Colds and Flus Benefits of Acupuncture for Cold & Flu Treating Sore Throat With Acupuncture The first sign of an impending respiratory infection is often a sore throat. Sometimes this worsens until it hurts to swallow or eat.
Natural Cold and Flu Remedies
Natural Cold and Flu Remedies: Cold and Flu Home Remedies: Natural Cold and Flu Remedies Black Elderberry For Cold and Flu Black elderberry for cold and flu is a proven natural remedy. Also known as sambucus nigra, black elderberry is
Are Cold & Flu Medications Worth It?
Natural Tamiflu Alternative: Black Elderberry With the height of the Cold and Flu season just around the corner, many people are weighing their options on whether or not to take medications to treat it. Since the groundbreaking discover of antibiotics